SPOOLCAD’s Video Tutorials act as part of our continued effort to help customers learn and use the software effectively. Along with our complimentary SPOOLCAD Tutorials, these additional videos expand the users’ knowledge base of the software as they show detailed usage of commands and tools as well as update features that have been added to the software. Well worth your time! View at your leisure as they are always available.
Do you need to use the actual pipe wall thickness value versus the STD/XS/XXS category when creating your Bill of Materials?
If yes, this can be done by adjusting the Spec you are working with. You will also have to modify the Bill of Materials template to reflect the desired changes.
This quick video shows how to adjust the Spec and BOM template.
Be sure to keep viewing the News & Learn sections. Tutorials are continually added to enhance your SPOOLCAD design/drafting experience!
Need help with a particular feature? Send a quick note to support@procad.com and let us know what you’d like to see!
Up Next – “Using Pipe Supports