In the Standards Manager module, there is a “scale factor” for weld tags, but, unfortunately, it applies the scale factor to both the box and text. The Weld Tag box size is set to accommodate two characters by default. But what if you use weld prefixes, like W1, W21, etc., whereby the text characters are too big for the box? Want to fix the issue? Read on to see how to make the change.


Manually edit the weld tag box symbol! It’s an AutoCAD block called WLD-TAGB.dwg.
The drawing file is located in the following folder:
               C:\Program Files\PROCAD\SPOOLCAD 2023\Designer\SPOOLCAD\Blocks
              C:\Program Files\PROCAD\SPOOLCAD Plus 2023\Designer\SPOOLCAD\Blocks
        (depending on the software you have, substitute 2023 with your version)
It’s best to copy/save the original file if you want to in case you want to go back to it. By default, this block is a square and has the text info tag centered inside it. Open the drawing file and edit the graphics to the size you want/require.Â
In the sample above, the block was opened, and the square (and only the square) was scaled up 1.5 times.
Save and close the file once the edits/changes are complete.
That’s all!!
The Weld-List routine will now use the new weld tag box size.
As a side note: Only new files created from this point forward will use the new size. It won’t automatically update any older files that were already created.
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Click here for more information on AutoCAD Blocks.Â
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