If you’re interested in acquiring PROCAD software, we would like to suggest you consider the PROCAD+ (PLUS) products.
Because PROCAD+ come with included AutoCAD OEM software, your company stands to realize its many benefits, including:
- PROCAD+ packaged bundles will save you a great deal of money over acquiring PROCAD and AutoCAD individually
- Simpler software acquisition with one-stop-shopping for licensing, technical support and upgrades
- Save on IT services by managing a single software product instead of two
- With PROCAD+ products, you will always get the latest version of AutoCAD included in the software (starting with V2017)
- On January 31 2016, Autodesk stopped offering perpetual AutoCAD licenses – the only option is rental
- You can still acquire PROCAD+ as either perpetual license or 3, 6 or 12 month rental
Questions? Please contact us to demonstrate to you how PROCAD+ products can be the perfect solution for your drafting and design needs.